Ekadaksha Learning Center completes four years of fun and learning.
This year, we celebrated by doing what the children love to do the most - Dance. Every week at the center, music is played and the children do 'shaky shaky'. Every child has their own signature steps and those who did not want to move, started moving as well. Therefore we decided to have dance performances on their favourite songs.
The programme began with a prayer by our talented young singer, Nagacharan. A report for the year 2013-2014 was given to the parents along with a presentation. This was followed by dance performances by the Experience and Explore groups. All the children had practiced for a month and performed amazingly. Then, came the time for parents to join their children to shake a leg. All parents danced enthusiastically, not only with their own child, but also with other children.
Parents and teachers will always teach the children, but there must be times when we learn to have fun with them and bring out the child in us too. And this day helped all of us do that. Click here for ELC's dhoom dhaam time.