Ekadaksha Learning Center for Children with special needs
DJ Dance partyDJ Dance party

At Ekadaksha everyone loves dance. DJ Nikhilesh(a.k.a Nikhil Anna) was there at Ekadaksha once aga [ ... ]

Story telling session by Janaki SabeshStory telling session by Janaki Sabesh

On 10th of July 2024 the children and teachers at Ekadaksha had a pleasant surprise.Yes,their favo [ ... ]

International Yoga Day and World Music Day CelebrationInternational Yoga Day and World Music Day Ce...

International yoga day and World music day are celebrated across the globe on 21st of June. Yoga a [ ... ]

Motto of Ekadaksha Learning Center Chennai

"Nobody signs up to have a child with special needs. Then you realize that this is a gift, this child is the light. And if you can nourish that light and let it shine, you have an opportunity to get closer to God, and that’s grace."

 John C. McGinley

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