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yoga day at ekadaksha learning center, chennai

International Yoga day

Yoga is an ascetic discipline that includes breath control, simple meditation, bodily postures and asanas. Yoga is widely practised for good health and relaxation. Internation yoga day is celebrated on the 21st of June to create awareness on the benefits of yoga. Yoga shows us a way of living that aims at "a healthy body in a healthy mind."

At Ekadaksha, the emphasize is on the 'wholesome development' of the child promoting the well being of the body and mind. Thus, Yoga day was celebrated as a means to create awareness among children, teachers and parents. A few simple exercises focusing on body movement, flexibility and concentration  were demonstrated. The asanas were done in pairs with a teacher and a child. Click here to view photos of the children doing yoga along with their teachers. 

Imparting a bit of yoga in our lifestyle can bring about tremendous positive change. On this Yoga day, let us make it a practice and make our life full of positive energy in both body and mind. Happy yoga time!!!

world music day at Ekadaksha learning center, chennai

World Music day

"There is music the moment we start listening."

There is music all around us. The chirping of the birds, the flowing water, the cry of babies, a ringing telephone, the vehicles passing by, the rattling of utensils - And what not. Its all around. The moment we align ourselves to the rhythm of the music, life feels wonderful. Like a smile, music is also a universal language which can be felt and understood by everyone. Today on world music day, the children at Ekadaksha had a celebration which was musical as well as magical. Each child had a unique rhythm of music as they explored different instruments like the djembe, drum and shakers. First, the children listened and slowly joined in to the sounds of music made by the teachers.Everyone lost themselves, involved in the fun and joy of the musical activities. Click here to see the musical joy. 

Celebrate music, celebrate life!!!





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