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Archana Joshi, Special educator, Art based therapy practitioner and an Avaz certified AAC professional. A Commerce graduate, she has completed a diploma and a degree in Special education (B.Ed-Special Education). Apart from that she has also completed M.Sc. Applied Psychology and a course on Art based therapy and a course in Yoga therapy. She has also completed a certified professional course in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) which includes the use and implementation of the Avaz AAC app. She is in charge of the Early intervention(Explore) and Functional academic bridging group(Express).She has inculcated the Avaz app in the curriculum and coordinates with all groups towards its implementation.

"Ekadaksha for me is a wonderful place just like home.It is unique for various reasons.At Ekadaksha every person is collectively involved in doing their best for the development of the child,to give the child all he/she needs to live well.Teachers are motivated to keep learning,bring out their talents and enjoy themselves.Parents are given many inputs and also encouraged to take care of themselves.Everyday at Ekadaksha is a learning.The bonds and memories created here are something I cherish always."

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