Tips to be positive and a good team player - This is a topic which is very important in order to work effectively in an organisation - As an individual as well as a team. Ekadaksha conducted a Talk by Mr. Balarajan, Asst. Vice President, TNQ Technologies. Mr. Balarajan has been part of developing and mobilising a team by being positive and also encouraging each and every individual. Always ready to help and an extremely hard working person, he is also considered a Father Figure by many in his team. His never give up attitude makes him a remarkable employee, colleague and boss too. Apart from this, He is an important part of the family of Ekadaksha who has been there to support from It's initiation.
Mr. Balarajan shared the story of how TNQ technologies was built over the years as well as his own journey on this path. These stories were a bundle of positivity and hardwork which made the company what it is today. He encouraged the Directors and the team at Ekadaksha and appreciated their journey too.
The talk began with an important formula which if remembered could give us unimaginable results. He said that ' Event + Response = Outcome' meaning that the energy and interest you put into an activity you are doing will determine its outcome. A simple example - In the event of cooking, if your response to cooking is positive and enjoyable, automatically the outcome will be a lovely meal. This can be applies in every aspect of life. Try by thinking of a simple event in your life. This exercise could change your thoughts about the event.
This was followed by 8 tips to be positive:
- Limit your intake of negative views
- Look into the past and know that you have the capability to get through any situation.
- Set realistic goals that motivate you
- Have a positive mantra and repeat it
- Use positive words
- Observe your thoughts
- Look for 3 positivies that happen in your day. Do this everyday.
- Help others
With these tips, you canmake yourself and your environment a positive one. During these times of the COVID pandemic, it is essential to spread positive thoughts and ideas amidst the negativity which is clouding around us.
Even though most of us are working from home, it is essential to still be a team player and motivate eachother. He also provided 8 tips do develop oneself as a healthy team player:
- Use your strengths and bring out your best
- Help and encourage your teammates through challenges
- Appreciate and show credit to teammates
- Empower teammates to realise their potential
- Create healthy boundaries between work and personal life, work that you are not comfortable with etc.
- Keep up effective communication. Resolve all matters.
- Never play The blame game
- Spread positivity
These tips were inded very useful to the teachers and volunteers. It would help them to break a lot of fears and barriers as well as remain positive. By being positive, work can be completed effectively. In the field of Special education, this positivity can bring out amazing results with the Children we work with. Therefore this is so essential to understand and follow.
Mr. Balarajan ended with a cute video of smiling babies which reminded us that as adults - WE NEED TO SMILE MORE:-). Keep smiling and spread smiles. Thankyou so much for spreading this positivity with our team.