WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY DIWALI, A BRIGHT DIWALI, A FUN FILLED DIWALI, A SWEET FILLED DIWALI:-). This festival of lights indeed brings light for the children at Ekadaksha. This year all the children made diya/lamp stands. All the stands were made out of recycled waste cds. Some children painted the cds while some stuck chumkis to make the beautiful stands on which the diyas were lit. The children also helped to put colourful rangoli designs to decorate the Center.
After decorating, the children played the " Left, Right, Centre" game wherein Music was played while they passed a small bag with 3 balls in it. Each ball had an alphabet on it : L-Left, R-Right, C-Centre. When the music stopped the child in who had the bag in his/her hand had to pick a ball from it. Depending on the letter on the ball picked, the person on the left or right of the child was out. If the child picked the alphabet 'C' , the child himself/herself was out. The children had a dhamaka of a time.