Age: 11 years
During the lockdown: He has understood the situation and is able to stay at home. In the beginning he used to be restless and aggressive, but has calmed downa and is able to adjust in a better way now. He was not comfortable with covering his face when he would walk to his grandparents house. He would not cooperate for this earlier.Slowly he understood and now allows his mother to cover his mouth with a cloth.
Communication & Socialising: He is playing a lot with his brother and enjoys being with him. He is now trying to communicate his needs through gestures like pulling mother's hand to the room if he wants AC and giving her the remote. When he wants water, he goes to the kitchen, takes a tumbler and gives it to his mother. He is also able to follow basic instructions given to him.
Activities of daily living: He has become independent in removing his shorts and going to the restroom.
Functional academics: He has started showing interest in hand activities like playing with kolam and clay.
Age: 13 years
During the lockdown: Positive changes in understanding and bonding with younger brother.
Communication & Socialising: Her bonding with her younger brother has improved. She enjoys playing with him. She also likes if people visit her house. She enjoys sitting with them. Her understanding of what is being told to her has also improved.
Functional academics: She is abe to sit and complete all the activities given in the Ekadaksha planner. She cooperates well during the activities. She is now able to hold a spoon and transfer materials independently.
She enjoys all the virtual events conducted by Ekadaksha. She sits and watches well.
Age: 12 years
During the lockdown: Positive changes in understanding the situation. He takes all the precautions like washing hands frequently and wearing mask. He was able to control himself from going out when it was a complete lockdown even though he was getting bored.
Developed interest in: He has developed interest in art and craft activities. He is participating in online group activities when given encouragement.
Helping at home: He helps in filling water from the hand pump when there is a shortage in water.