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Vishal-Star of August 2020, Ekadaksha Learning Center, Chennai


Age: 13 Years

Talents: Art, Music

About Vishal: Vishal has been with Ekadaksha for about 5-6 years. This little boy came to us with issues of communication, socialising, clueless about his surroundings, behaviours like laughing uncontrollably, throwing things etc. and zero independence in any skill (Daily skills as well as anything related to activities). He also has a problem with his eye sight.

Over the years, this smart young boy has grown so responsible and mature. He has shown great interest and an in built talent for art and music. His confidence has improved ten fold and he had started becoming independent in most skills. He had also begun to communicate and socialise well with teachers and peers. Once this began, his behaviours also became more positive. 

His mother's strong confidence and encouragement towards him, has made him do amazing things this Lockdown period. 

During the Lockdown: Remarkable and positive changes. Has become a responsible and caring young teenager. Helps with househole worls and takes care of his mother very well. If she sweats, he comes to wipe off her sweat. When she works, he comes to help her. Has developed a close bond and understanding with his twin sister too. 

His care extends to birds as well. When he sees a crow near the house, he immediately puts a biscuit for it, since he feels it is hungry. 

Activities of daily living (Eating, bathing, toileting): He has become completely independent. 

Academic based functional activities: He is very interested to do any activity given to him. Looks forward to school activities. 

Communication: He is now communicating his needs and feelings appropriately and is very clear with his actions. 

 Star of August - Sanjuktha, Ekadaksha Learning Center, Chennai


Age: 14 Years

About Sanjuktha: Sanjuktha joined Ekadaksha at the age of 13 years. This pretty girl would get upset easily and wasn't interested in doing any activities or being with anyone. There was never a smile on her face. 

This same pretty girl has shown remarkable changes over her time at Ekadaksha which has extended into the Lockdown period as well. She has become a smart, confident girl whose smile radiates happiness at home. Kudos to her parents who have accepted her so beautifully and followed every suggestion given by her teachers at Ekadaksha. We are proud of Sanjuktha and her parents. Here is a small explanation of some of Sanjuktha's achievements. 

During the Lockdown: Remarkable and positive changes in communicating and socialising with her parents as well as in doing her work. She is becoming more loving, caring, understanding and trusting towards her parents developing  adeep relationship with them. 

Communication: She has become more expressive. She wants to talk a lot, sometimes relevant words and sometime irrelevant words. She is expressing her gratitude by saying 'Thankyou' and hugging her parents, her mistakes by saying 'Sorry', Saying 'No' when she does not want something. She is understanding what her parents are telling her and also able to follow simple instructions given by them related to household activities. She is also able to show her emptions by smiling, hugging etc. 

The mother-daughter bond has become very special. She always wants to be with her mother, talk to her and hug her. 

Activities of daily living (Eating, bathing, toileting): She is almost wearing her dress independently now. She calls her mother with words or gestures when she needs help. 

Helping at home: She takes intersest in helping at home by putting the clothes in the laundry, keeping her vessels in the sink and clearing her toys. 

Academic based functional activities: She has developed an interest to do activities with her mother. She listens and observes well. 

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