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"Uriyadi" is a traditional game played in many parts of India during festive occasions like pongal,onam,krishnajayanthi etc.It is a game where in butter or food is kept in a mud pot and the pot is hung at a height.The person playing the game will be blindfolded and he has to break the mudpot with a stick taking guidance from the cheering group as to move forward or backward sensing the position of the pot.The one who breaks the pot will be awarded with gifts.

At Ekadaksha,"Uriyadithal" game was modified and conducted by Ms.Priya,Assistant Teacher,ELC.The game was simplified where in a basket was hung from a comfortable height to suit the children.Small small plastic balls were filled in the basket and a soft pool noodle was used to hit the basket.The teacher gave a demo and explained the rules of the game after which the game was played among the four houses - Red,Blue,Green and Yellow.

The basket was filled with 25 small plastic balls and hung from the height.Children from each house came one by one and hit the basket and the number of balls that were pushed down were counted.When the basket got emptied it was again refilled with the balls.Each house started with 25 balls in the basket and once the basket empty it was refilled and the balls dropped down were counted.Whichever house pushed the maximum balls down was declared the winner.

All the children got the opportunity to play and they understood the game and played very well.They enjoyed playing it and hit the basket with full josh and energy.Some children like Vishal,Dany,Deva were so excited that they hit the basket with full force and emptied the basket.All the children enjoyed playing the game,hit the basket and pushed the balls down.

Blue house children were the winners and Green house were the runner up.The game was so much fun,children learnt to cheer up their friends,wait for their turn and this game also helped in developing good hand eye coordination,focus and improve their team spirit.

Click here to see the Uriyadi fun.

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